Arbor Day green tree line drawing

Arbor Day (Tree Pose Day)


National Arbor Day is Friday, April 28. Mark the occasion by participating in a local planting event in your area, walking in a local park and appreciating everything trees do for us, or making a donation to have more trees planted in areas where they’re needed most. From cleaning our air and water, to breathing new life into our communities, to combating the effects of climate change, to fostering biodiversity, trees are our mighty protectors. They empower us to face global challenges with greater courage.

When you attend class on Friday, April 28th, Moksha will donate $1 of your class fee to the Arbor Day Foundation. Buy a package and Moksha will donate $5 for each 5 Class Pack and $10 for each 10 Class Pack. Every dollar plants a tree. 

Friday Class Schedule

10-11:15am | Hatha-Vinyasa 1-2 | Rachel
12-1:30pm | Vinyasa 2 | Sarah
5-6:15pm | Arm Balances (Upside Down Tree) | Dmytro
6:30-8pm | Restorative | Hadley

Trees have been worshiped as spiritual symbols throughout time and history, providing security and a quiet place to meditate for those seeking spiritual enlightenment. Buddha became realized under a banyan tree. Krishna was born in Vrindavan Forest, a symbol of an immaterial world where yogis and sages lived a simple life. The trees were highly revered with their roots linked to the earth for stability, their tolerant trunks enabling them to weather fierce storms and extreme temperatures, and their branches and leaves providing shelter and oxygen to be shared with all beings. In the Gita, Krishna compares the world to a banyan tree with its many branches and species that inhabit it. The banyan tree also depicts the three forces in nature – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – symbolizing life and fertility, the embodiment of all knowledge, and the destroyer of ignorance. Trees are symbols of the beauty, strength, tolerance and generosity that embodies all the elements of the universe. By taking the shape of the tree, we see these qualities within the Self.

  • Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world. – John Muir
  • Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky. – Kahlil Gibran
  • The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. – John Muir
  • I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees. – Henry David Thoreau
  • One tree can make a million matchsticks. One matchstick can burn a million trees. – Unknown
  • And into the woods I go, to lose my mind and find my soul. – John Muir


Fri Apr 28, 2023


All Day