Victor Pruneanu

Victor is originally from Romania and has been in Chicago for about 10 years. As an electrical contractor, he stays quite active during the day. Victor’s initial exploration into yoga began in 2015 when he took a vinyasa class at his gym out of curiosity. Over the next several years, he attended various classes at studios and gyms across the city, including Moksha, without fully committing.

In the spring of 2021, about six months into his kickboxing journey, Victor decided to focus on yoga to improve his flexibility and mobility. He began taking three to four classes a week, and within a few months, his flexibility improved significantly more than in the prior six months of stretching at home without any guidance. In the summer of 2023, after a head injury led him to stop kickboxing, Victor decided to focus more on yoga as a peaceful activity he could continue for many years. In October 2023, he returned to Moksha specifically for the Ashtanga classes. After a few classes with Daren, he joined the 200TT program, eager to learn from such a great teacher.

As a future yoga teacher, Victor aims to create classes that provide meaningful lessons to his students and inspire them to pursue the practice of yoga to the best of their abilities.


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