The Alchemy of Sound

Journey into your heart with the spirit of cacao! Join Darren for one of his transformational cacao ceremony and sound healing events. Every heart has a song to sing. By sharing our voices together in ceremony, with the support of cacao, we release any blockages that have been preventing us from accessing our inner-most joy. With the spirit of devotion in our hearts, we access the peace, love, happiness, and connectivity that is within our ourselves and merge with the divine.

This experience includes:

  • Traditional cacao ceremony with ceremonial cacao
  • Call and response singing (or listening if you prefer) of sacred mantras and uplifting inspirational English songs
  • Guided mantra and mindfulness of breath meditation
  • Sound bath with singing bowls and other sound healing instruments
  • 1:1 reiki energy healing
  • Heart centered sharing
  • Intuitive guidance and support from Darren

The ceremonial cacao we will share together comes from small indigenous farms in Northern Peru.


About Darren

Hi, I’m Darren. From a very early age, I was always drawn to the New Age section of the bookstore. Yep, I was ‘one of those.’ Then, in my early 20s, I met my first spiritual teacher. She was a trance channel and healer. She introduced me to some of my spirit guides. Shortly thereafter, one of those guides came into a dream and told me to start to meditate. You might say, that’s how my spiritual journey began!c

Fast forward to my early 30s… I’m living in L.A., fronting a rock band, dreaming of being a big rock star. My spiritual practice had taken a backseat. In-fact, I had completely forgotten about it! Life was challenging then. I would often fall into long periods of depression due to old emotional traumas, thoughts, and beliefs that were not aligned with the magnificence of my soul. But then I stumbled into a yoga class and my life would be forever changed.

“Our true nature is peace, contentment, joy, and even bliss!”

Yoga taught me how to nourish my body, and still my mind. It served as a gateway to a more disciplined meditation practice (I now meditate at least 2 hours a day). My meditation practice led me to discover the essential truth of life: Our true nature is peace, contentment, joy, and even bliss! Yes, our thoughts and emotions often get in the way (like clouds in the sky), but our essential nature never changes and is never touched by the transitory nature of life.

Around that time, I also discovered kirtan, the call and response singing of devotional music. By singing the names of god, my heart flew wide open. I would soon incorporate sacred Sanskrit mantras into my songs and began to lead kirtan at yoga studios, festivals, and retreat centers. I also rediscovered reiki. Reiki taught me that I had the ability to heal myself and others by opening myself up to be a channel for the pure, unconditional loving energy of source. It also awakened my intuitive gifts as a clairaudient, clairvoyant, and clairsentient.

Fast forward to today, life isn’t always easy. I’m human and still have some rough days. But most of the time, I’m happy and enjoying life! And no matter what’s going on, I always come back home to my practice. My practice includes yoga, meditation, prayer, gratitude, chanting, and devotion to god. These practices have transformed my life. They can do the same for you.


Sat Jul 20, 2024


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm




Moksha Yoga Center
2528 W Armitage Ave, Chicago, IL 60647


Moksha Yoga Center
[email protected]