Vedic Astrology
The Universe is so alive! Astrology gives us the tools on how to live happier, in harmony with the universe. Jyotish or Vedic astrology gives us a deep understanding about our personality and mentality. If we understand ourselves better and realize why we are in our life situation, we can make better decisions, be more happy and clear about what to adjust in our lives. Vedic astrology is based on the rising sign, moon and sun positions. Also, it gives knowledge about different life areas such as relationships, career, health and money and about the past and future, so we can prepare for and know what is coming in our direction. We will briefly discuss your chart and how you can schedule a detailed Jyotish-Vedic astrology session with a discount by attending this workshop.
Natalya Shklovskaya (Sri Guru Carana Padma Dasi) is a lifelong practitioner of Hatha and Bhatki Yoga, an Ayurveda Practitioner, a Certified Transformation Life Coach and a Certified Vedic Astrologer. She has been the host and inspiration of the Chicago based Russian language radio show called “Vedic Heart” for over 10 years. Born in Kazakstan, Natalya was introduced to yoga at a young age. She spent 7 years (1991-1998) deeply studying and practicing Bhakti Yoga principles at the Bhakti Yoga ashram. From 1992-1998 she was Senior Coordinator for the womens’ programs in the ashram and 1998-2000 she was Vice President of the Bhakti Yoga Center. She emigrated to Chicago in 2000 and is now leading Holistic Lifestyle workshops across the US, Canada, and Israel.