Yoga for Democracy
Join Sarah Lindgren in a 90 minute practice dedicated to the preservation of our democracy. This event is donation based with proceeds to the ACLU, bring cash donations to the studio or donate directly at The ACLU is a nonpartisan team that works to preserve the rights of the American people by upholding the constitution. If you choose to digitally donate please let us know your donation so we may share our impact with the community. Let’s unite in peaceful practice in person at Moksha Yoga Center or on Zoom 983-711-9971 Sunday November 17 from 3:30-5:00pm. To move, to breathe and meditate and we will cap it off with some crystal bowls. Let’s be in community for ourselves and each other.
All my love ❤️ fellow yogis.
Pre-registration REQUIRED for in-studio attendance. CLOSED
ZOOM online attendance. OPEN
Zoom ID: 983 711 9971
Password: 951148