Marissa McNerney

Marissa’s journey into yoga began in 2012 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she instantly fell in love with the practice. For the next twelve years, she mostly frequented corporate studios, where the focus was on heated asana classes. However, these sessions often left her with a dysregulated nervous system and a sense of confusion, questioning if yoga should offer a more grounding and peaceful experience. It wasn’t until Marissa discovered Moksha Yoga Studio that her practice truly flourished, allowing her to experience the profound benefits of a dedicated yoga practice.

Alongside her dedication to yoga, Marissa is pursuing graduate studies to become a licensed mental health counselor. She is passionate about integrating somatic, body-oriented therapeutic modalities, such as yoga, within the traditional talk therapy model. Marissa believes that true healing arises when we attune to and honor our body’s inner wisdom.

In her classes, Marissa weaves together meditation, pranayama, and asana, guiding students to strengthen their connection to mind, body, and spirit. She fosters a warm, nonjudgmental environment where students can safely explore and deepen their practice.

Certification: 200hr Moksha Yoga Center 2024



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